Before ordering the goods you can check their properties and quality personally in our showroom. We will be happy to lend you samples for a pre-agreed time. You can also order samples - for example, from each product offered, including custom-made products. The delivery time is then only slightly longer. The price of the sample can then be deducted from the total price of the order.

Order from e-shop

Sample goods without printing you can order yourself in the e-shop. Put one piece of the selected product into the cart, write in the note that it is a sample order and finish the order. The order will also include a handling fee for below-the-limit quantities.

Order by e-mail

You can order custom-made, custom-made and branded goods by e-mail at or at your dealer. Be sure to include any print materials available to you.

By filling in the form

Fill out and submit the inquiry form below on this page.